My Dog Ate a Pen: What to Do and How to Prevent It

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Written By Emma Campbe

Dogs are curious creatures, and sometimes that curiosity can lead them to get into trouble. One common scenario that many dog owners have encountered is finding their furry companion with an unexpected snack – a pen! While it may seem amusing at first, the situation can quickly turn worrisome. In this article, we will explore the topic of dogs ingesting pens, the potential risks involved, and how to handle such situations responsibly.

The Incident: My Dog Ate a Pen

Let’s dive into the story of how one fateful day, my mischievous canine companion decided to make a pen its unlikely treat. As I was working at my desk, I noticed my dog eyeing the pen, probably enticed by its intriguing shape and smell. In a matter of seconds, before I could react, the pen vanished into my dog’s mouth. Panic set in as I realized the potential dangers associated with this unexpected snack.

Understanding Why Dogs Eat Non-Food Items

Dogs chewing or consuming non-food items is not an uncommon behavior. Known as “pica,” this tendency can stem from various factors, including boredom, anxiety, attention-seeking behavior, nutritional deficiencies, or even certain medical conditions. Chewing on objects like pens may provide a form of entertainment or relieve stress for some dogs.

My Dog Ate a Pen

The Dangers of Dogs Ingesting Pens

While a single accidental ingestion of a pen may not immediately lead to a dire situation, it is essential to be aware of the potential risks. The pen’s plastic or metal components can cause internal injuries if sharp edges are ingested. Ink cartridges may contain toxic substances that can be harmful to dogs.

Signs and Symptoms of Pen Ingestion

Identifying the signs of pen ingestion is crucial for prompt action. Some common symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, lethargy, drooling, and difficulty in defecating. If any of these signs are observed, it’s vital to monitor your dog closely and seek veterinary advice.

What to Do When Your Dog Eats a Pen

If you catch your dog in the act of ingesting a pen, try to remain calm and take swift action. Remove any remaining pieces of the pen to prevent further consumption. Contact your veterinarian immediately to discuss the incident and receive guidance on the appropriate steps to take.

Preventing Future Incidents

To avoid similar incidents in the future, it’s essential to make changes to your dog’s environment. Keep pens and other potential hazards out of reach, especially when you cannot supervise your dog closely. Provide engaging toys and activities to prevent boredom and reduce the likelihood of your dog resorting to inappropriate chewing.

When to Seek Veterinary Assistance

In some cases, a dog may pass the pen fragments naturally without any issues. However, if your dog exhibits concerning symptoms or if you suspect they ingested a substantial part of the pen, seek veterinary assistance promptly. Your vet may perform tests or X-rays to determine the best course of action.

Fun and Safe Alternatives for Dogs

To satiate your dog’s natural desire to chew, offer safe and enjoyable alternatives. High-quality chew toys made from durable materials can keep your furry friend entertained while also benefiting their dental health.

Training Your Dog to Avoid Inedible Items

Training plays a vital role in teaching your dog what they can and cannot chew. Positive reinforcement techniques can be used to discourage inappropriate chewing behavior and encourage them to choose appropriate items.

The Importance of Supervision

Supervision is key to keeping your dog safe from potential hazards. Whenever your dog is not confined to a safe area, keeping a watchful eye can prevent accidents and allow you to intervene if needed.

My Personal Experience and How I Dealt with It

In my case, I closely monitored my dog’s behavior after the pen incident. Thankfully, my dog showed no signs of distress, and the pen pieces passed without any complications. However, I learned valuable lessons about maintaining a dog-friendly environment and keeping potentially harmful items out of reach.

My Dog Ate a Pen

Tips for a Dog-Safe Environment

  • Store pens and other small objects in secure drawers or cabinets.
  • Keep trash cans covered to prevent access to discarded pens.
  • Regularly inspect your home and yard for potential hazards.
  • Offer mental and physical stimulation to prevent boredom-related chewing.


Finding your dog with an unexpected snack like a pen can be a nerve-wracking experience, but by understanding the risks and taking appropriate measures, you can ensure your pet’s safety. Remember to stay calm, contact your veterinarian if necessary, and make the necessary changes to prevent future incidents.


1. Can a dog pass a pen naturally without complications?

  • In some cases, dogs may pass pen fragments without any issues, but it’s essential to monitor them closely and seek veterinary assistance if there are any concerning symptoms.

2. Are ink cartridges in pens toxic to dogs?

  • Yes, some ink cartridges may contain toxic substances that can be harmful to dogs if ingested.

3. How can I prevent my dog from chewing on inappropriate items?

  • Providing safe and engaging chew toys, along with positive reinforcement training, can help discourage inappropriate chewing.

4. Is pica a serious condition in dogs?

  • Pica can be a concern as ingesting non-food items may lead to gastrointestinal obstructions or toxicity, depending on the object consumed.

5. Should I induce vomiting if my dog ingests a pen?

  • It’s crucial to consult your veterinarian before inducing vomiting, as certain objects can cause harm if regurgitated improperly.

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